KKD Example Comps
There is a collection of Krokodove example .comp
files that can also be installed using Reactor.
Select the "Comps → Krokodove" category on the left sidebar. Click on the package named "Krokodove Showcase" and then press the "Install" button.
To access the installed KKD example comps, navigate to the "Reactor > Tools > Show Comps Folder" menu item in Fusion Studio.
This will open up a folder browsing window using Explorer (Windows) or Finder (macOS).
The folder window displays the contents of the PathMap based location of "Reactor:/Deploy/Comps/".
Double-click on the folder labeled "Krokodove" to open it.
Inside this location you will have access to 35 example comps that use a variety of KKD tools. These examples are stored in categorized sub-folders for quick access.
Here is a screenshot of the "Reactor:/Deploy/Comps/Krokodove/Pack/Pack_A_001.comp" project file:
For more practical examples see the Node Cookbook.