This Fuse is based on the Shadertoy 'ShareX' by fre3k. © fre3k (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0). Conversion to DCTL and encapsulation into a fuse done by JiPi. See Object for more fuses in this category.
So much shader in so little code - really amazing.
float t;
t = itime * 0.91f;
float2 r = iResolution,
o = fragCoord - r/2.0f;
o = make_float2(length(o) / r.y - 0.3f, _atan2f(o.y,o.x));
float4 s = 0.08f*cos_f4(1.5f*make_float4(0,1,2,3) + t + o.y + _sinf(o.y) * _cosf(t)),
e = swiyzwx(s),
f = _fmaxf(o.x-s,e-o.x);
fragColor = dot(clamp(f*r.y,0.0f,1.0f), 72.0f*(s-e)) * (s-0.1f) + f;
if (params->Alpha_Apply) fragColor.w = params->Alpha;
_tex2DVec4Write(dst, x, y, fragColor);
Have fun